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May 4, 1899 AD Burdhaman district of West Bengal Asansol subdivision curuliya Kazi Nazrul Islam was born in the village. The village is located blocks curuliya Jamuria in Asansol subdivision. Grandfather, Qazi Amin Ullah Qazi Faqir Ahmad, the son of his second wife, Zaheda Khatun was the sixth child. His father Fakir Ahmed was the imam of the local mosque and shrine attendants. Ali Hossain and Kazi Nazrul Islam, the youngest of three brothers, the eldest of two sisters and a younger Kaji sahebajana Umm Kulthum. Kazi Nazrul Islam was nicknamed “Dukhu Mia”. Nazrul worked at a local mosque muezzin. Muslims managed to escape religious school of the Quran, Islam religion, philosophy and began to study Islamic theology. In 1908, his father died when he was nine years old. After the death of his father in his education due to family distress is disturbing and at the age of ten, he was off work for a livelihood. In the meantime, from Maktab Nazrul maktabei started teaching in the lower secondary examination. The ministers of the tomb and mosque of Haji wrestlers Mu’adhdhin (Azan donor) started working as a. Through these actions at an early age, he is known to be closely related to rituals of Islam, which was later greatly influenced his literary karetinii Bengali literature has begun to practice the spirit of Islam.Maktab, mosques and shrines in Nazrul was not long. A child was attracted to folk-old Leto the Radha region of poetry, music and dance mixed form of practicing the mobile group joined. Kazi bajale his uncle Ustad Karim curuliya was prominent in the group of Leto and Arabic, Persian and Urdu languages were his possession. Karim bajale mixed in the composition of songs. It is believed that the influence of bajale Nazrul Karim joined Leto. Leto is also the most popular poet of the region’s finest cakora (corpulent poet) and Vasudeva kabiya Leto and Nazrul song contests regularly take part in tournaments. Leto is classed as literary. He went to several places in the team, played with them, and learned songs and poems they wrote for the stage. His actions and in the light of experience, he began to study Bengali and Sanskrit literature. At the same time began to study Hindu scriptures, the Puranas. Wrote several folk songs at an early age that her troupe. This clown Joker, sakunibadha, King Yudhisthirer donor ear, Akbar king, poet Kalidas, bidyabhutuma, prince songs, old and Meghnad kill myna Rond neck. On the one hand mosques, shrines and maktab life, on the other hand diverse group of Leto experience has provided many of the elements of his literary career. Kalidebike Nazrul composed a lot of music and Shyama, Nazrul his last speech mentioned – “Someone said to me the words of one of the disbelievers and Javan. I can not say, and none of the two. I just tried to shake hands with Hindus and Muslims over the place, trying to become galagalite galagalike.
তিনটি প্রশ্ন
সুনীল গঙ্গোপাধ্যায় তিনটি প্রশ্ন তারপর ধর্ম বক বললেন, বৎস, তোমাকে আমি আরও তিনটি প্রশ্ন করব বলো তো, মানুষের কোন কষ্ট মুখের ভাষায় ব্যক্ত করা যায় না কিংবা বলতে গেলেও কেউ বুঝবে না? মুহূর্তমাত্ৰ চিন্তা না করে যুধিষ্ঠির বললেন, কোনো কবি যখন ভাব প্রকাশের জন্য প্রকৃত ভাষা খুঁজে পায় না তখন তার যে কষ্ট তা দ্বিতীয় কোনো ব্যক্তির পক্ষে সহমর্মী হওয়া সম্ভব নয়! ধর্ম বক হৃষ্ট হয়ে বললেন, বেশ, এবার বলো মানুষের জীবনে এমন কোন মুহূর্ত আছে, যা রমণ সুখের চেয়েও বেশি তৃপ্তি দিতে পারে? এবারেও নির্দ্বিধায় যুধিষ্ঠির তৎক্ষণাৎ বললেন, কোনো শিল্পীর সৃষ্টিতে শেষ তুলির টান দেওয়ার মুহূর্তটি তার সঙ্গে অন্য কোনো সুখেরই তুলনা চলে না ধর্ম বক পুনরপি বললেন, বেশ! এবার শেষ প্রশ্ন, বলো কখন ধর্মকে মনে হয় অধৰ্ম? নত নেত্ৰে, একটুক্ষণ চুপ করে থেকে, কম্পিত কণ্ঠে যুধিষ্ঠির উত্তর দিলেন, যখন ধৰ্ম আসেন বকের ছদ্মবেশে, যখন মৃত্যু দিয়ে পরীক্ষা করা হয় মানুষকে! Related ০১. একটা ঘোড়ার গাড়ি ডাকা হয়েছে একটা ঘোড়ার গাড়ি ডাকা হয়েছে। লোকজন আর মালপত্র তো কম নয়, এক গাড়িতে আঁটানো মুশকিল। বেডিংটাই তো বিরাট। সতরঞ্চি ...
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